



Lead Designer

The Challenge

Ontray is a startup founded as a joint venture between Tyler Wiest and Jarvus Innovations that aims to provide restaurants with online ordering without compromising their branding. The product is a responsive web application that allows customers to place food orders directly from the restaurant's website. The value proposition for Ontray's customers is a lower overhead in third-party fees than other products in this market such as Grubhub, Eat24, Caviar, etc. Also, unlike those products, Ontray does not present the end-user with a list of competing restaurants in their area.

My Role

The Ontray logo, which was created by another designer, was already established when I joined the project. I used the logo's design as the starting point for developing their style guide. I have since also designed Ontray's marketing splash page, the e-commerce manager, and the customer facing interface for the restaurants. As Ontray continues to launch in new restaurants and we receive feedback, I work with our team to improve and add features.

Style Guide
Ontray Styleguide
Restaurant's Backend
browser header Ontray Backend
Restaurant's User Facing Website
browser header Ontray Menu
Restaurant's Tablet App
Ontray Restaurant Order App
Restaurant's Menu in Mobile View
Ontray- mobile view